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How to Get More Acquired Users to Make Their First Action/transaction (Activation) on Your Product

Every business wants to acquire as many users as possible, but what's even more important is getting them to take action. If your users don't make their first transaction or take any action on your product, they are unlikely to become long-term customers. In this blog post, we will discuss proven strategies to get more acquired users to make their first action on your product.

1. Provide value upfront:

Providing value upfront is one of the most effective methods to convince new users to take action. This is providing them with something helpful for free, such as a free trial, a sample of your product, or valuable material. By giving value right away, you demonstrate to your consumers that you are committed to assisting them and that you are confident in the quality of your product.

2. Use email marketing:

Email marketing is a powerful tool for getting new users to take action. By sending targeted emails to your acquired users, you can encourage them to make their first transaction. Make sure your emails are personalized and relevant to your users' interests. Also, use a clear call-to-action and make it easy for users to take action.

3. Encourage first-time action:

Encouraging acquired users to take action in a low-risk manner is one excellent technique to persuade them to do so. For example, you might provide a discount or a limited-time offer to entice consumers to take action. You make it easy for users to take the initial step towards becoming long-term clients by lowering the risk.

4. Regularly test and tweak your funnel:

To maximize your sales and grow your business, it's important to regularly test and tweak your funnel. This means analyzing user behavior, identifying any bottlenecks, and making changes to improve the user experience. By constantly improving your funnel, you can increase the likelihood that acquired users will make their first transaction.

5. Clearly Define the Activation Step:

To successfully persuade customers to complete their initial action or transaction, you must first understand what constitutes activation for your product or service. Define the precise action or milestone that represents user activation, such as creating an account, finishing a profile, making a purchase, or executing a desired action inside your platform. This clarity will drive your strategies and allow you to correctly gauge success.

6. Provide a Seamless Onboarding Experience:

The onboarding process plays a crucial role in setting the stage for activation. Make sure to provide a seamless and intuitive onboarding experience that guides users through the initial steps and highlights the value they will gain by taking action. Consider the following strategies:

a. Interactive Tutorials: Create interactive tutorials, walkthroughs, or videos that introduce users to key features and functionalities. Break down complex tasks into simple steps to make the onboarding process more manageable.

b. Personalization: Tailor the onboarding experience based on users' preferences and needs. Leverage user data to deliver relevant content and recommendations that align with their interests and goals.

c. Progress Tracking: Display clear progress indicators to show users how far they've come in the onboarding process. This visual reinforcement encourages them to complete the remaining steps and reach activation.

7. Communicate Value and Benefits:

To motivate acquired users to take their first action or transaction, effectively communicate the unique value proposition and benefits they will experience by doing so. Highlight how your product or service solves their pain points or fulfills their needs. Consider the following approaches:

a. Compelling Messaging: Craft persuasive copy that clearly communicates the benefits of taking the desired action. Use captivating headlines, engaging visuals, and persuasive language to create a sense of urgency and excitement.

b. Social Proof: Incorporate social proof elements, such as testimonials, case studies, or user success stories, to build trust and credibility. Showcase how others have achieved positive results by taking the desired action.

c. Incentives and Rewards: Offer incentives or rewards to encourage users to take the desired action. This could include discounts, exclusive access, bonus features, or loyalty programs. The perception of added value can be a powerful motivator.

8. Streamline the Activation Process:

Minimizing friction and barriers in the activation process is crucial to maximizing conversion rates. Simplify the steps required for users to take the desired action or transaction. Consider the following tactics:

a. Clear Calls-to-Action: Use clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your product or service. Make sure they are easily identifiable and visually appealing. Use persuasive language that conveys the benefits of taking action.

b. User-Friendly Interfaces: Optimize the user interface and design to provide a seamless and intuitive experience. Remove unnecessary steps or fields and ensure the process is straightforward, even for users with minimal technical knowledge.

c. Multi-Channel Support: To help consumers during the activation process, provide support over numerous channels such as live chat, email, or phone. Prompt and professional assistance may answer any problems or inquiries, boosting user confidence.

9. Track, Analyze, and Iterate:

Continuously improving activation rates, tracking key indicators, and analyzing user behavior. Analytic tools may be used to acquire insights into user engagement, drop-off points, and conversion rates. Identify areas for improvement and iterate on your tactics based on data. Test new ways on a regular basis to improve the activation process and the user experience.


Driving acquired users to take their first action or transaction is a critical step in building an active and engaged user base. You can increase activation rates and maximize the potential of your acquired user base by clearly defining activation, offering a seamless onboarding experience, effectively conveying value, optimizing the activation process, and regularly tracking and iterating. Remember that understanding your users' requirements and motivations and aligning your efforts properly is critical. You'll be well on your way to creating long-term consumer connections and achieving sustainable business growth with a well-executed activation plan.

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